The 2012 edition of WACAMP will be held from 2 pm to 6 pm on March 21, 2012 at EuraTechnologies (15 minutes from Lille train stations).
The WACAMP (Web Analytics Camp) is a non-commercial conference which aims to promote the exchange of content and experience around the practice of web analytics, according to the concept "no spectators, all participants. " The WACAMP is an initiative of Nicolas Malo conducted as part of WALILLE, the Web Analytics community of Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropolis.
For the 2012 edition, the WACAMP becomes French-Belgian integrating the presenters from Northern France as well as from Belgium. 50% of the content will be in French and 50% in English.
The presentations provided in French are:
- "E-merchandising & Web Analytics" by Sylvain Duthilleul (Decathlon, Lille / Rijsel, @ eMerchandising)
- "Les dessous de la segmentation" by Florian Guidicelli (Boulanger, Lille / Rijsel, @ FlorianGiu)
- "Les Webanalytics au service de l’efficience commerciale" by Akim DeMora (3 Suisses Benelux, Tournai / Doornik, @ akimdemora)
- "Comment optimiser ses investissements online grâce au Multitouch Analytic" by Nadia Salmane (Castorama, Lille / Rijsel)
- "Web Analytics & stratégie éditoriale" by Isabelle Canivet (Action Rédaction, Luxembourg / Luxemburg, @canivetisabelle) and Jean-Marc Hardy (, Bruxelles / Brussel,@jeanmarc_hardy)
The presentations provided in English are:
- "Monetization is the business metric for your organization" by Siegert Dierickx (These Days, Ghent / Gent @siegertd)
- "Putting an end to received ideas with Web Analytics" by Michael Notté (Kaizen Analytics, Bruxelles / Brussel, @michaelnotte)
- "Tricks and Tips with MVT Testing" by Peter Coopmans (The Uptimizers, Saint-Trond / Sint-Truiden)
- "E-Commerce & Web Analytics coaching" by Cis Scherpereel (Indie Group, Courtrai / Kortrijk, @ ster_k)
- "Getting practical value from web analytics throughout the organisation" Peter O'Neill (L3 Analytics, Londres / Londen, @peter_oneill)
- "Going beyond traditional Web Analytics" by Nicolas Malo (Optimal Ways, Lille / Rijsel, @ nicolasmalo)
Each presentation will be conducted in less than 10 minutes in order to allow sufficient time for discussion with the audience. The presentations will be performed in parallel in two conference rooms, with a networking break at 4 PM.
The day will be concluded at 7 PM by a friendly aperitive Blog en Nord / SEO Camp / WALILLE in the center of Lille (free registration here).
10 copies of the book "Web Analytics : mesurer le succès et maximiser les profits de votre site Web" will be drawn at the end of WACAMP among those present.
For security reasons, the number of participants is limited to 120. Access to conference rooms will be reserved mainly for people who registered in advance on
Free registration on