Rudi Shumpert is the Evangelist for Dynamic Tag Management at Adobe and is responsible for sharing the vision of Adobe’s tag management solutions. He has been focused on enterprise-level data collection for web analytics since 2000, working with various industry leaders, including AT&T, Home Depot, Staples, State Farm, & Turner Broadcasting.
While at the Adobe Summit in London, I had the opportunity to interview him on Adobe Dynamic Tag Management.
Nicolas Malo: What are the benefits of using Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) with Adobe Analytics ?
Rudi Shumpert: The immediate benefit is the speed of implementation. For one of our customer, it was taking 6 to 9 months for an Adobe implementation in the past. With DTM, this customer is now able to implement 2 to 3 new sites per week.
An other benefit is the activating process of new tags which do not require to be super technical. The user interface has been specifically designed both for marketing and technical audiences. Marketing audiences are able to set up new tags without using Javascript. Technical audiences are able to include custom code in Javascript when needed.
Some of our customers are using DTM progressively for their Adobe Analytics tagging. The old implementation is still in place while new features are implemented specifically with DTM.
We offer also the possibility to host the tags either by using Akamai (with an SLA by Adobe) or by self-hosting on your own servers (no SLA in this case by Adobe).
Nicolas Malo: What type of service can we expect from Adobe when using DTM?
Rudi Shumpert: Support for DTM is the same as for Adobe Analytics with Adobe ClientCare and Adobe Consulting. Support can also be gained from our Partner network.
We are planning a certification for DTM in the future.
Nicolas Malo: Is it possible to track mobile applications with DTM?
Rudi Shumpert: DTM does not work with true native mobile applications. If your application is an hybrid one, it will work. It is important to note that there is no such thing as true mobile TMS today. The solutions that claim to do this are using a web proxy service that gives the illusion of this happening. What they deliver is a diluted unstable solution. The reason that we do no have a solution yet is that if we built a system that allowed you to change code on an app without having the user download the update it would be a violation of the terms of service of the app stores and would put your app at risk of being removed.
Nicolas Malo: Is it possible to manage deduplication with DTM?
Rudi Shumpert: Deduplication is possible with data elements based on pages, visits and cookies. A/B test split can also be based on data elements.
Nicolas Malo: What are the next enhancements planned for DTM?
Rudi Shumpert: We are regularly adding support to new tags. Support for Universal Analytics tagging has just been released. The marketing profile is also going to become a critical piece for DTM. We are also planning to release global opt-in for the different tags.
Nicolas Malo: Thank you very much Rudi for this interview!
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