With more than 17 years of product management experience in the e-commerce and B2B industries, Bill Ingram oversees the strategic direction and development of Adobe Analytics and Adobe Social; two of the six solutions that comprise Adobe’s Digital Marketing Cloud.
While at the Adobe Summit 2015 in London, I had the opportunity to interview him on Adobe Analytics. I also interviewed him in 2013 and 2014.
Nicolas Malo: If we look back at the last 12 months, what are the top 3 achievements on Adobe Analytics that you are proud of?
Bill Ingram: Among all the new features and enhancements that we've delivered in a year, I would say:
1. Bringing Entreprise Data into Digital Analytics: with our new Customer Attributes feature, we've facilitated the integration of entreprise data, like CRM, with behavorial data. Data uploaded with Customer Attributes is permanent and retroactive. Customer Attributes may also be share will all solutions of the Adobe Marketing Cloud.
2. Reducing the analysis timeframe: we've released a new feature called "Contribution Analysis" which uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to save people's time. By providing this capability, it totally changes the way people work.
3. Audience sharing: as part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud Core Services, we've integrated Adobe Analytics with Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Campaign and Audience Manager.
Nicolas Malo: What are your top priorities for the next 12 months?
Bill Ingram: We have 4 main priorities regarding Adobe Analytics:
- Better data by building out more services in order to get third party to integrate with Adobe Analytics
- Simplicity by making Adobe Analytics easier to use for analysts, marketers and executives based on usage patterns.
- Machine learning & articifial intelligence integration in order to continue to save people's time with advanced analysis capabilities.
- Last millisecond integration, providing more retargeting-type integration, next page retargeting, interaction in the mobile app,etc...
Nicolas Malo: When I first interviewed you in 2013, one of your main priorities was to provide a unified interface especially for Reports (formerly SiteCatalyst) and Ad Hoc Analysis (formerly Discover). Do you have any updates on this?
Bill Ingram: We've already added some features of Ad Hoc Analysis into the Reports interface like segment stacking. You should continue to see regular improvements of the Adobe Analytics Reports interface, which are existing features of Ad Hoc Analysis.
Nicolas Malo: Any additional sneak peak to share for the readers of my blog?
Bill Ingram: We are currently working on a new version of ClickMap with heatmaps, link tracking and segmentation. We hope to have it released during this summer.
Nicolas Malo: Thank you very much Bill for this interview!